Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Future is Here (October 21st, 2015) - Back to the Future

The future is here... so I cannot let this day go without having a post!!!

I am stupidly excited about this day.  It is just a normal day in my routine and I do not even think I will be outside my house but the fact that it finally arrived makes me so happy today. If I had an office or a job outside my house, I would have totally dressed as Marty or his girlfriend.

For all those fans and people that were not able to get the Pepsi Perfect bottle today, please cheer on and have fun with this day (this day will never come back so enjoy it!). I was one lucky person to get a pepsi perfect bottle from #NYCC 2015 which is it worth about $500 USD Dollars today (crazy!). I am not going to lie, I'm very tempted to sell it, but the reality is that we got it for the fun of having it  and not to make a profit.

Many ideas from the movie became reality while others are far away from the truth (I can't wait to get a real "hoverboard" in the future ;-) ). It makes me wonder where we will be in the next 30 years...  Let's keep reinventing ourselves and moving forward with great ideas for the future!


Thursday, October 8, 2015

NYCC 2015 (Thursday October 8th)

NYCC is in full motion this week! Lots of people and lots of fun. Shout out to the people who works with "Del Rey Books" (publishing company) who gave us the passes to NYCC!!!
